A brand-new method with fast and sustainable results on the long therm


Couple counseling

Family counseling

Individual counseling

I propose tailored consultations in the frame of systemic-strategic brief counseling to help you resolve a variety of problems and overcome diffficult life situations as soon as possible. Advantages: efficient, brief, interactive, and easy to put in practice with results on the long term. The number of consulltations vary between 8-10 sessions depending of course on each individual and on the complexity of the presented problem.

I can help you in case of:

anxiety,panic, feeling of distress and discomfort, demotivation, exhaustion, lack of confidence, procrastination, irritability, stress and overload, feeling of insecurity, relationship problems, couple issues, child-rearing dilemmas, workplace issues, burnout, decision-making lemmas, conflict situations, imbalance between private and professional life, emotional blocks

There are no hopeless cases or insurmountable problems, you just need to know when to ask for help!